Monday, October 26, 2015

Islam summed up in a single telling graphic

When are our quisling rulers going to stop bending a knee to this virulent scourge, and start treating Islam like the metastatic cancer it is?


  1. ...and start treating Islam ....

    Why treat Islam any way at all? What is wrong with minding our own business?

  2. Where have you been Isaac, for the last 1000 years? Islam hasn't exactly been minding its own business.

    And don't give me the old "what about the Crusades" bullshit. The crusades were to kick the barbaric Muslims out of Christiandom.

    In the name of no other modern religion are atrocities practiced like in the name of Islam. You cannot argue with that.

  3. Does stabbing toddlers fall under "Jihad?" Does it deserve its own category?

  4. Ed, I think your graphic omits Algebra and Astonomy? Or maybe I'm confused.

  5. General Charles NapierTue Oct 27, 10:01:00 AM CDT

    As I told the Hindus in India when I was C-I-C:

    "The burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my country has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property."

    The Hindus learned that lesson when a civilized nation ruled. Who will teach the Islamists?

  6. Nobody is going to teach the Islamists anything because in the modern world, all cultures, regardless of how bizarre, primitive, and barbaric, are equal and should not be judged or held to any standards of common, human decency.

  7. Dave, it is my understanding that 400 years before the pedophile Mohammad invented Islam so that he could rape with impunity, his best friends' daughter Aisha, the Greek mathmatician Diophantus dabbled with algebraic equations and that the "Muslim" who is given credit all those years later, was probably forced by marauding Muslim conquerers, to convert to Islam.

    As for astronomy, countless ancient civilizations accurately documented the heavens, some as far back as 8000BC.

    If we must give the Muslims credit for something, I would give them credit for "honor killing", the preposterous invention of the hijab, and the sporting of dirty night-shirts as fighting uniforms.

  8. Dirty night shirts! Too funny.

  9. The "invention" of Arabic numbers is sort of like the discovery of the Mississippi was only a matter of time before we got there anyway.

    Besides, I'm pretty sure the concepts of 1-9 and rudimentary math were invented right about the time the first caveman verified that he had enough spears to kill the saber toothed tigers prowling around his home, and still have some left over to kill dinner. The addition of zero occurred precisely when he discovered he didn't.

  10. Honestly, a lot of the baggage Moslims carry springs from the culture from which it arose. Alexander the Great's armies encountered honor killings in what is now Afghanistan a thousand years before Islam. The Greeks didn't stay long. The Arabs of the peninsula were truly backward, and remained that way until the wholly unearned oil bonanza.

    A Reformation is sorely needed.

  11. I wholeheartedly agree, but with all Muslims believing they are righteous, and nobody willing to tell them they aren't, what chance is there for reform?

    Maybe we need a bloody crusade against the radicals first, then reformation can follow.
