Friday, July 25, 2014

Welcome to the neighborhood

Through executive action Obama has hatched a scheme to start shipping "children" by the tens of thousands (who claim to be under 21 but from whom no proof of age will be required) from Honduras directly to the US, at taxpayer expense, and designate them as official "refugees" so they can immediately start gobbling up the welfare resources that US taxpayers work so hard to generously provide.

Many of these "children" are already in the Latin gangs, the most violent in the world. Depositing them into America's neighborhoods guarantees that they will eventually become gang-infested slums, but in the short-term self-satisfied liberal politicians can smugly claim to the media cameras that we are saving them from gangs back home.

Obama has no plans of any kind for assimilation, just come here, be taken care of by our absurdly generous welfare programs, become citizens, breed like rabbits, and above all, vote democrat. If this program works out he plans to expand it to El Salvador and Guatemala.

I swear, the scale of the treason we are witnessing dwarfs anything Vidkun Quisling was accused of. Yet there is virtually no resistance. (Moonbattery)

Meet the "children" who'll soon be showing up in your neighborhoods and at the schools with your kids. Better lock up your daughters.

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