Friday, July 25, 2014

Nigel Sykes knows how to game the currupt legal system

Meet oppressed victim Nigel Sykes. He's suing the owners and employees of a pizzeria because they were "unnecessarily rough" on him when they detained him as he tried to rob them at gun point. And for good measure, he also names the cops in the lawsuit claiminging they used a racial slur when they tasered him. He demands to be paid $260,000 for his trouble. 

Of course a big pile of free cash is coming his way from the cops because calling any minority a liar is itself a de facto act of racism in the eyes of our upside down kangaroo criminal justice system. He's got them either way. 

The only question left is whether Nigel will bankrupt the pizzeria with legal costs and put all those people out of work?

Moral of the story: if you get the jump on a guy who's mugging you with a gun, don't detain him, kill him. That way the cops only hear your story.  

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