Monday, January 14, 2013

Euthanasia in Belgium

Two Belgian brothers, age 45, who were born deaf learned that bizarrely they were also going blind. Rather than face a life without the ability to see each other or communicate, they chose to be euthanized by lethal injection, which is legal in Belgium. They said good-bye to each other and family members and a doctor killed them. 

As a libertarian, I generally support the right of terminally ill patients who, at the end of their medical struggle, just want to go out on their own terms, to the extent that it is possible, and spare their families the pain of watching them suffer needlessly to the bitter end. Conversely, I also respect the rights of patients to fight to the bitter end of life regardless of the cost and discomfort it may cause for loved ones. End of life decisions are personal and should be respected, not dictated by the imperial State.

So in certain cases I support euthanasia or assisted suicide. However, these guys were in no physical pain and not otherwise "terminal", they just got screwed by life and as difficult as their futures would have been, is it OK for the State to kill them, as they wished, just because of their anguish over their situation?

I think this sort of thing signifies the general devaluation of non-perfect human life that many countries toward which many countries are tending. I'm not exactly comfortable with this.


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  2. You can't have it both ways. You're a hypocrite.
    Cunts like you openly devalue "non-perfect" life, and see it as a strain on public funds and resources (care, housing, welfare, health etc) - but then you feel "uncomfortable" when somebody is allowed by the state to end their own life due to failing health or chronic illness.
    "Ooh I don't like the ill people - they're ugly and expensive and make me feel bad inside - but I don't have the balls to say it's ok if they die".

    You're a piece of shit.

  3. Knowledge comes from experience alone.

    0hBou 2lClw 1tAlz 4eMmy 4qCbc 2rDiy 7eHlp 7xZxl 8oYtc

  4. Anon, you are the piece of shit, and a stupid piece of shit at that.

    Read the post, I value non-perfect human life while at the same time supporting the right of somebody to take their own life when life becomes unbearable. I just question the notion that as a nation, Belgium allows the mildly depressed to end their lives so casually.
