Friday, January 11, 2013

Ed Rendell is a craven opportunist

Here's former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell discussing the benefits of Sandy Hook with some air-headed show host.......


"The good thing"? Are you kidding me? If this doesn't cement democrats as the villainous political opportunists they are, I don't know what will. He never thinks once about how to actually stop another shooting, just gleefully wrings his hands at the prospect of finally getting control of the guns of private citizens....and he's happy for the Sandy Hook massacre because it's what the gun-control movement needed. Unbelievable!


  1. Ed Rendell is a craven opportunist? Of course he is. That is the kind of person attracted to national politics. I dare say 98% of congressmen and presidents are that ... and worse.

    Government and elected officials are not friends of the people. Not now...not ever. Not here...not anywhere.

    There is no hope for America until the man in the street wakes up to that fact. Translation: there is no hope for America.

  2. I agree with you Isaac. All hope is lost for America in our lifetimes....I just am surprised to see a politician, even a democrat, openly admit to being thankful for the horror of a massacre of children because it galvanizes our collective thinking regarding gun control.

  3. Democrats always have to hype some emotion to get you to rush through legislation that increases the power of government. If we had a thoughtful debate about their proposals, none would pass. Gun control advocates trot out the same old proposals and hope we are so fearful of the tragedy at Newtown that we will give up a little more freedom. The fiscal cliff uses fear of SS benefits and Veteran's benefits not being paid to ram through more and more spending.

  4. Right you are, anon. Democrats' tactics are predictable if nothing else.

  5. If democrats are so predictable, why are Republicans so terrible at fighting againt their propaganda?

  6. Heh heh, good question. Honestly, I think they fear the hostility of a media that is unhappy with anything but a pro-forma objection to whatever liberals want to do. DC conservatives and their wives want to stay on the A-list cocktail circuit so they pretend to object to democrats' objectives, but they give in at the end.

    That's why I can't get real excited about Rubio or even Rand. They're insiders and want to stay popular. It's going to take an outsider like Rick Perry or somebody who just doesn't give a shit, in order for real changes to take place.
