Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nobel Peace Prize winner gets another scalp

Apparently Colonel Moammar Qaddafi was dragged from his hiding place in a filthy sewer drain and summarily executed with a bullet in his head earlier today. I was horrified by the video clip every time I watched it.

The price tag for our Libyan adventure was in the $1billion range. I hope Qaddafi's scalp and the utter chaos that ensues there for the next 20 years will have been worth it.

I know the British and French have had a much greater military presence there, but the US will take most of the heat for meddling again in the affairs of Arabs. I also wonder when the Nobel committee will notify Obama that they are taking back his Peace Prize, though wholly undeserved in the first place?


  1. I'm interested in your "horrified" reaction. What do you suppose the scene was on Pan Am Flight 103 as it plunged toward Lockerbie? The scene in a Libyan prison the past 40 years?

    He got about what Mussolini got. Well deserved.

  2. That was sort of a joke, meaning that I watched it many times and my claim of horror was a feint.

    You know like the judge who is ruling on a pornography case and says that he was shocked, SHOCKED each time he viewed the evidence.

  3. Sorry for coming across as humorless.

    A weird anecdote is that we had our carpets cleaned this AM by a Libyan emigre, who (seeing the front page of the newspaper) was VERY upset by what had happened to Q. Needless to say, I didn't get into it in any depth.

  4. You mean you didn't rub his nose in it just a little bit?

    I wonder if other Arab dictators are looking around and wondering when their time will come.

  5. The last thing we needed was to get into a big political discussion with a guy neither of us knew who was in the house to clean the carpet. Plus, with his limited English, way too much chance of total misunderstanding.

    It was interesting to me that he lived here - not in Q's paradise.

  6. Like a lot of foreign nationals, he probably hates America yet came here to take advantage of opportunities.....that is if you consider carpet cleaning an opportunity.
