Thursday, October 20, 2011

Adult baby gets to remain a parasitic sponge on society

It saddens me to report that Stanley Thornton Jr. won't be killing himself any time soon because the Social Security Admin. has ruled that he was not committing fraud by receiving checks because of his declared "disability" known as infantilism.

Despite that fact that he's perfectly capable of holding a job, this parasitic freak gets to wallow around in his own excrement-filled diapers, cram his vacuous maw with gallons of liquefied peas, and suck disgustingly on a giant pacifier all day, because taxpayers like me are working hard at two jobs to pay for it all.


  1. Boarf!
    Do the same then and you will get money as well!! What do you complain about? Your two boring job or the system?

    This guy is just like he is. At least!
    It would be more honest to accuse the system or you own inability to find a better achievement than "working hard at 2 jobs" . It is not his fault if you have chosen to be a slave and to pay tax that you will never decide where this money is going.

  2. I can't believe this: "Because if you get your insight and political opinion from the mainstream media, you will be doing exactly what the terrorists want you to do"

    HAHAHHAHA Your idea about this guy is exactly what the mainstream media want us to believe: that we are not slave in a capitaliste system which do not care about nothing but profit and power. They want to make us believe that it is our own fellow the guilty ones cause "they rob our job, they do a bad use of our tax"... bla bla
    While we attack each other for ridiculous amount of money, they use thousands of millions of YOUR money to fabric bombs we will never know where it will explode, they use millions of OUR money to build more roads and destroy roads anyway... This blog is a joke or something?
