Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We're all handicapped now

The Obama administration has dramatically expanded the official definition of "handicapped" for the purposes of equal employment opportunity. Most estimates say that the new definition includes over half of the American workforce because it has various mental problems as handicaps. The list includes, but is not limited to, autism, diabetes, epilepsy and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Don't be fooled. Obama isn't trying to be nice to handicapped people, he's trying to get as many Americans to be dependent on government as possible because government dependence equals democrat votes in the deranged mind of a liberal marxist like Obama.

All this will do is stifle hiring because companies won't know what outrageous demands the EEOC will place on them to accomodate all the maladies on the new list of handicaps. It will actually decrease handicap hiring, not encourage it. But that works for democrats too because that means more people on unemployment....again, more government dependence.


  1. G.H.W. Bush signed the nanny state law that enables this kind of insanity - the Americans with Disabilities Act. A perfect example of compassionate sounding ideas put in practice by activist bureacrats. I know of a fire station where they built a second story storage area that can only be reached by ladder. If they had put stairs, under ADA an elevator would have been required. There are many more such examples.

  2. The ADA mandated that all life-guard shacks in California have wheel-chair ramps....as if there are wheel-chair bound life guards....utter stupidity!

  3. Wow! I wonder if one reason the F-35 program is so delayed is the requirement for the cockpits to hold a wheel chair? Just kidding.
