Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Europe contemplates it's own suicide

Europe is already a moribund continent, hellbent on self destruction through extreme political correctness, dhimmitude, and an utter failure to breed. Ordnarily that reality would be enough to rouse a civilization from it's apathetic stagnance, but not old Europe. They are absurdly determined to drive the final nail in their own coffin as they tilt against the imaginary, global-warming windmill.....

From Telegraph -- Cars will be banned from London and all other cities across Europe under a draconian EU masterplan to cut CO2 emissions by 60 per cent over the next 40 years.

If deluded Europeans have their way, we'll all be forced to live within walking, biking, or rickshaw distance of our workplace. But Soviet-style, collective misery for the little people through centrally-planned economies is a utopian vision of communists, environmentalists, and democrats alike. 

If you don't think this sort of thing isn't planned for the US, think again. If Europe goes through with this idiocy, somebody like Obama will try it here too. I'd better go out and buy some Schwinn stock tout-suite!  


  1. All we need to do is change to electric cars -they emit no CO2. Of course what they don't tell you is those cars will get electricity from coal and oil burning plants which will have to burn more fossil fuels and emit more CO2. SURPRISE!!

  2. Already, the tax revenues to the government from gas sales are down, so rather than making do with less revenue, our overlords are looking for ways to replace those "lost" revenues by taxing other activities like by miles driven and such crap.

  3. Are they going to tax all those trips Congress and the President take on their trips and mileage? I bet not.
