Monday, March 14, 2011

Test failing is OK if it helps to fill race quotas

The "post-racial" President and his racist attorney general, Eric Holder, forced the Dayton, Ohio police department to lower their testing standards for hiring new policemen. It seems not enough blacks passed the tests so the results were thrown out.

From DaytonDailyNews -- The original passing scores determined by Civil Service required candidates to answer 57 of 86 (66 percent) questions correctly on one portion and 73 of 102 (72 percent) on the other. The lowered benchmark requires candidates to answer 50 of 86 (58 percent) questions correctly and 64 of 102 (63 percent) of questions on the other.

Absurdly, the new standard for passing is actually failing. To its credit, the Dayton chapter of the NAACP came out against the lowering of standards just to fill a perceived racial quota, determined by the Obama justice department. Even they see how wrong that practice is. Remember this is the same justice department whose policy it is NOT to pursue race-based complaints if the defendants are black. There is a pattern in this administration of preferential treatment for minorities, which undermines the concept of fairness and equal protection under the law....concepts that are guaranteed by the Constitution.

Ironically Obama, the "post-racial uniter" as the media sold him to us, has done more to contribute to disunity among the races than any one else I can think of.

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