Monday, March 14, 2011

The religion of peace claims more victims

4 year old Elad who along with her two siblings and parents were stabbed to death by barbaric Muslims of the Palestinian variety.

From FoxNews -- A Jewish couple and three of their children were stabbed to death in bed in a West Bank settlement in what Israeli officials said Saturday was an attack by one or more Palestinians who broke into their home.

For those who try absurdly to claim that the fighting between the Israelis and Palestinians is bilateral or mutual or some other such nonsense, show me where Israelis slaughtered in cold blood, an entire Palestinian family while they slept. I don't care what your position is on West Bank settlements, this is unacceptable in the modern world. Palestinians have shown over and over that they are little more than primitive savages willingly used as pawns by Iran, Syria, and other anti-Zionist states to fuel their hatred of Israel.

Israel has a history of returning violence on Palestinian attackers with 10-fold viciousness. When they find these people, look out. I hope it's painful.


  1. It has been reported (not by our media of course) that "celebrations" were held in the Palestinian areas. Takes a lot of courage to stab a baby to death.

  2. The suicide bombings by Palestinian savages back in the 80's of Israeli civilian buses were horrific enough, but this takes reprehansible vileness to another whole level.

  3. " me where Israelis slaughtered in cold blood...."

    If you are not just posturing, and really want an answer that that question, I encourage you to Google "Israeli atrocities".

    I did and I can tell you, you will need a strong stomach.

  4. Glen, I do not posture, except facetiously when I'm obviously doing it for effect. I looked up some of these "incidents" that prove Israelis are the real terrorists and every one of them are collateral to legitimate fighting or entirely questionable. The whole website to which you directed me is transparent propoganda.

    For example, go to...

    and see the real story behind the Palestinian father and son supposedly targeted by Israeli soldiers. The boy was most likely killed by Palestinians, not Israelis.

    I'm surprised you would let yourself be duped by such obvious isolated images that are clearly being used as anti-Zionist propoganda.

  5. The whole website to which you directed me....

    I recommended a search phrase, "Israeli atrocities". On Google, that results in 29,200 hits, not one. If you couldn't find anything in 29,200 hits that you consider an Israeli atrocity, then you and I have far different definitions of what constitutes an atrocity.

    One of my favorite examples is when the Israelis, intent on tearing down a Palestinian home and stealing the land it was on, first ordered the entire family back inside the house, and THEN demolished it...on top of them.

    You fault the Palestinians for resisting the armed invasion and occupation of their land. I don't.

  6. Glen, on the first two pages of search links, most were news stories that clearly took sides and the other ones were anti-Zionist propaganda sites. One other one was a myth-buster type site that debunked the Palestinian claims by showing how the images had been maniuplated to show something that had either not happened or was taken out of context entirely to make the Israelis look bad or the Palestinians look like poor, innocent vitcims.

    I'm not saying that tragic things don't happen in war, just that I don't believe the Palestinians are as blameless as you propose.

  7. Ed, you knew when you posted this that it would amount to irresistible bait.

    According to this level of "logic", aroused Americans should be seeking out and slaughtering families of Mexican illegals in their homes.

  8. Palestine is slightly smaller than New Jersey. If foreign colonizers invaded New Jersey on April 9, 1948, and began to terrorize its citizens, if they killed many Jersians and confined the remainder under siege conditions, if they stole Jersey homes and lands, farms and factories, if they monopolized the fresh water, if they poured raw sewage on top of the ground where their Americans captives were confined, if they rained down illegal white phosphorus on innocent American civilians, if they arrested and tortured their American captives at will, I would expect New Jersey men and women to fight back with whatever they could lay their hands on.

    If every invader – man, woman and child – were killed in the process I would call it national defense and therefore justified.

    My "logic", as Bill calls it, is simply this. What applies to America and Americans applies equally to Palestine and Palestinians.

    Others see it differently, I understand that. I just don't agree with them.

  9. A while ago I said I wasn't going to respond to this evil sickness, and I broke my own rule. No more.

  10. I agree, Bill. There is enough evil sickness going on in Palestine to last the world a lifetime.

    "An Israeli army officer who fired the entire magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl and then said he would have done the same even if she had been three years old was acquitted on all charges by a [Israeli] military court yesterday." [As Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise".]

    "The soldier, who has only been identified as "Captain R", was charged with relatively minor offences for the killing of Iman al-Hams who was shot 17 times as she ventured near an Israeli army post near Rafah refugee camp in Gaza a year ago.

    The manner of Iman's killing, and the revelation of a tape recording in which the captain is warned that she was just a child who was "scared to death", made the shooting one of the most controversial
    [????] since the Palestinian intifada erupted five years ago even though hundreds of other children have also died."

  11. I think I see what Glen is trying to say. If Zionists (is that the right term?) had declared war on New Jersey instead of Palestine none of us would bust on the Americans for fightin back. So why do so many people rip the Palestinians fer doin what New Jersey peeps would do in the same situation?
