Thursday, March 03, 2011

Ted Kennedy continues to loot taxpayers from the grave

We already knew that Ted Kennedy was a misogynistic, degenerate lush who was directly responsible for at least one girl's death while in his company. A death for which he was not held responsible in any way. We also knew that TK spend his entire career taking money from those who earned it, giving it to those who refused to earn, then taking full, personal credit for the generosity.

Now FOIA briefs have revealed that in the 60's he rented out an entire brothel in Chile' for his personal entertainment, while there to meet with the "angry young men" in that country. By "angry young men" he meant communist rabble rousers. I doubt the tax-payer-funded Edward M. Kennedy Institute will make mention of it, though opening a whore-house in his name would probably bring in more tourism than it will otherwise.

This guy wasn't a President. Why do the taxpayers have to fund a monument to him? His family has billions, but to be consistent with the liberal doctrine that defined Kennedy's life, it's the taxpayers' responsibility to pay for everything, not private donors. His wife clamors for more tax-payer money to this day to pay for his stupid shrine.

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin.


  1. As I've noted before, the funding for this monstrosity comes out of the Defense budget. Remember that the next time someone mindlessly tells you how the U.S. "spends more on defense than the rest of the world blah, blah, blah."

  2. Who authorizes defense spending on a monument to Ted Kennedy? Is that an administration thing or is it politically incorrect now to oppose any expenditures that are Kennedy related?

  3. I think John Kerry (who served in Viet Nam) attached it as an amendment to the Defense bill. You know how they load these big bills up like Christmas trees.

  4. By "served in Viet Nam" of course you mean Kerry injured himself and got knicked a couple of times over six months, demanded purple hearts for each "injury", than rotated back home to start his stellar political career. What an a-hole that guy is. And he might be the next Sec. State. Uuugh!

  5. That's the one, LOL. I have read many memoirs of real warriors. John F. Kerry ain't one.
