Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Stay classy, democrats

If a republican was revealed to have done this, there'd be hell to pay in the media.....

From FoxNews -- A lot of politicians give nicknames to their aides. George W. Bush famously referred to his attorney general, Alberto Gonzalez, as “Fredo.” Mitch Daniels, then head of the Office of Management and Budget, was known as “The Blade.” Barack Obama reportedly called Larry Summers, his chief economic advisor, “Dr. Kevorkian.”

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas also hands out nicknames to the people who work for her. The Houston Democrat addressed one of her employees as “you stupid motherf**ker.” And not just once, but “constantly,” recalls the staffer, “like, all the time.”

I swear, the more loathsome the democrat, the bigger pass they get from the complicit media who provide cover for them. No republican would ever get a pass for something this egregious, but Rep. Lee is a minority democrat so she's got all the cover she needs.

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