Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stimulus....EPIC failure!

Don't be fooled by slick democrat spin about how great the Stimulus plan was for America's wasn't.....

From -- We’ve just passed the second anniversary of “economic stimulus” under President Obama. Aside from spending on the stimulus itself - the actual price tag soon climbed from $787 billion to $821 billion - not much else has been stimulated.

Nearly a trillion dollars have been poured into the U.S. economy, courtesy of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Result? Unemployment has barely budged, housing prices continue to fall in many markets and more mortgages slip into foreclosure.

The moronic Keynesian philosophy of economic stimulus to which democrats subscribe, absurdly claims that government spending is the best way to increase economic activity. You'd have to be clinically retarded not to see that nothing could be further from the truth. The government doesn't have a penny of money of it's own. For every single dollar the government "spends", it's first got to take that dollar away from somebody who earned it. So even a ditsy porn star coming off a 3-day bender at Charlie Sheen's house could see that government stimulus, as far as the economy is concerned, is a zero-sum game. All it serves to do is redirect money away from earners to those who are politically favored, and to whom the politicians can point at election time and bleat about what they accomplished. With few exceptions government spending is bad for the economy.


  1. Defense got a couple hundred million (less than 1/10 of 1%) of this boondoggle and that was for construction on bases. The next time tries telling you how defense is too much to afford, remember that.

  2. Ed: one of your best posts EVER! Bravo.
