Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama's war on Jello

Having solved all the other crises facing the nation, Obama's FDA is finally tackling the menacing spectre of red dye #3....

From FoxNews -- After staunchly defending the safety of artificial food colorings, the federal government is for the first time publicly reassessing whether foods like Jell-O, Lucky Charms cereal and Minute Maid Lemonade should carry warnings that the bright artificial colorings in them worsen behavior problems like hyperactivity in some children.

Before long there won't be any substances in our lives that our regulatory overlords at the FDA don't blame for hyperactivity in children, and for which lazy parents can sedate them with drugs to keep them quiet.

I'm sorry but if your caterwauling, misbehaved brat can't keep his yap shut for five minutes, it's not because of red dye #3 in his jello. And if you're obstinate enough to think it is, then stop feeding him jello.


  1. I am pretty certain that has been legitimate research showing those dyes--research NOT paid for by the dye manufacturers-do no harm. So why the sudden turnaround? I wonder if they will tax the use of those dyes to "pay for helping all the children affected".

  2. Right you are Billy. When all else fails to explain government intrusion into yet another area of our lives, revenue generation through taxation is the default conclusion and it's almost always the right one.
