Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Sunday liquor sales question

I'm going to play devil's advocate here a little but first, the question....

From ajc -- The latest attempt at Sunday alcohol sales legislation in the state Senate appears to be in trouble.

Opposition, especially from Christian conservatives, could prevent a Senate vote this year on a bill that would give Georgia communities a vote whether to allow Sunday beer, wine and liquor sales at stores.

As a libertarian, I agree with letting each town, county, whatever vote on Sunday sales and if the Baptists don't like it, then don't buy booze on Sunday. The question to me is, why is it ok for Baptists et. al., to impose their religious observations on the rest of the world, but they reject the notion of Islam imposing it's religious principles on everybody?

"But Ed" you smugly point out, "Christianity is the primary religion of the US, not Islam. We can do what we want in our own country."

Hey self-righteous reader, are you completely unfamiliar with the Constitution? There is no state religion of the US. What gives you the right to prevent by law, on religious principles, any citizen from buying alcohol on Sunday just because it offends you on moral grounds?

As self-described conservatives, is it not hypocritical of Christians to impose their religions beliefs on those who may not practice their religion? How are they different from jihadists?


  1. "I agree with letting each town, county, whatever vote on…."

    "Christians" (I use quotes because most aren't) are as entitled as any other voters to have a voice in policy discussions. Their value system, naturally, informs their thinking but isn't that equally true of atheists?

    They aren't hypocrites for being active participants in American-style democracy as long as they don't use force or foul play.

  2. But Glenn, they are using force...the force of the law to impose their religious beliefs on others. What about the rights of minorities, in this case non-believers, to not have their pursuit of happiness impeded by the majority, for no other reason other than religious observation?

  3. Reported today that the bill is dead for the year, as the Republican caucus in the GA Senate has a rule that bills must have majority support within the caucus to advance. The bill could easily pass with Democrat votes.

    I really have never "suffered" from not being able to buy alcohol on Sunday, but I support letting localities decide. If I had an emergency need on Sunday, I'd just go to the BX. How's that for "fairness?"
