Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The rot of multiculturalism


Dorothy Rabinowitz is jewel. If you're not familiar with her, you should be. It was she who loudly blew the whistle on the modern witch hunt that was the "child abuse" scandals of the 1980's and 1990's, especially in Massachusetts.

Her column in today's WSJ covers the U.S. Army's "star officer" Major Nidal Hasan. At least that was how he was described in officer evaluations written by superiors who were completely steeped in and cowed by the multicultural imperative.

As she notes, the DOD and all four branches issued reports on the Ft. Hood murders. Not one mentions the term "radical Islam" or anything like it. Apparently not even dead soldiers gunned down unarmed on their home post is enough to break through the rot.

Read the whole thing here.


  1. From how far up the chain of command did the imperitve come, I'd like to know? Was it SecDef? Joint Chiefs? Who first scribbled in some DoD order that Islam is off-limits? All these guys didn't come up with this independently.

  2. Recall that the Chief of Staff of the Army was quoted immediately after the murders as saying (I paraphrase) "the greater tragedy would be if our diversity programs suffer from this." You can't get any higher in the U.S. Army.

    It's the entire culture. No one had to be told "hands off Islamo-wackos." It's understood.

  3. Diversity in the military: We cannot hire, manage, fire, etc. based on religion, race, et al BUT we are required to track these demographics to ensure we recruit to match the surrounding area?

    The Officer Performance Reports and Enlisted Performance Reports - the "feedback" a person receives in the military - is a joke. This program is a bureacratic exercise in politically-correct paper shuffling and produces no feedback. At least not the feedback that is was intended to provide.

    Each year I write my own, submit it to my boss for signature, and it gets filed in my permanent records. I make a game of it. Last year I was able to sneak the word "brobdingnagian" into mine just for the challenge. It stuck and is now part of my permanent records.

    The "feedback"I receive from this situation/process is that it is not important what is said as long as something is said . The other side of the coin is that something must be submitted. Failure to do this, to play the game, is a sure way end one's career.

  4. Great post David. The performance evaluation process in the fire service was much the same during my career - a paper exercise hated by all.
