Thursday, February 03, 2011

Sharia law claims another victim

You want to know why it's important that Sharia-style governance not be allowed to take hold in Egypt? Look no further than Bangladesh where the barbaric, medieval cult commonly known as Islam is strictly practiced in remote villages....

From DailyMail -- A teenager whipped to death in Bangladesh for having a relationship with a married man was allegedly raped by her cousin, it has emerged.
Four Islamic clerics were arrested this week for ordering Mosammet Hena, 14, to receive 100 lashes in a fatwa or religious edict at a village in the south-western Shariatpur district.
It has now been reported that the teenage girl was raped by her married cousin and then accused of having an affair with him.

Sharia regularly orders this sort of thing, yet moonbats in the once great Britain want to adopt Sharia law into Muslim neighborhoods in that country. We've even seen honor killings in the US already. Anywhere Islam is allowed to flourish, unchecked by law enforcement and basic human-rights standards, you'll see this sort of crime against women taking place.

I'd like to hear a sniveling liberal contort himself into knots trying to rationalize how Sharia is equal to normal human behavior and shouldn't be judged as barbaric savagery by non-Muslims.

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