Thursday, February 03, 2011

Rules are for the little people, not for friends of Obama

It's as if Obama isn't even bothering to hide anymore the fact that he is having an affair with Jeffery Immelt of GE.

One month after the EPA began enforcing absurd rules regarding CO2 produced by existing and new power plants, Obama announced the first exemption to those rules. Turns out that the new Avenal Power Plant in California is powered entirely by turbines manufactured by General Electric. You're an idiot if you think that's a coincidence...or an Obama voter, but that's a distinction without a difference.

It's bad enough that GE pays on average 1/10th the corporate taxes of other comparable companies, but to blatantly exempt what is essentially a GE power plant from EPA rules that harm everybody else in the industry, is the epitome of sleazy cronyism and utter corruption.

Immelt was the driving force behind the incandescent light-bulb ban, because GE is the sole manufacturer of stupid compact fluorescent bulbs which we're all forced to buy now. Is there any end to the corruption of the Obama administration?


  1. Ed, is MSNBC part of the quid pro quo? I hope Comcast decides to end that farce.

  2. I think the far-left position of MSNBC is because the parent company is GE and the corporate culture there and at Microsoft is to be wildly liberal. GE used to tell NBC's news division how much to berate conservatives and how much to protect and shill for liberals.
    With ratings tanking, I'm not sure how much of that is still going on but Immelt is certainly on his knees regularly in front of The One, that's for sure.
