Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood gets a toe-hold

The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamic group that supports Sharia law and an Iranian-style theocracy for all Arab nations. Because of their radical nature, Egypt has banned them from operating there, but they are taking advantage of the anarchy and chaos in Egypt and quietly organizing to be included in whatever new government gets established.

From FoxNews -- The Obama administration said for the first time that it supports a role for groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, a banned Islamist organization, in a reformed Egyptian government.

As a prerequisite for inclusion, outgoing oaf Robert Gibbs says that only peaceful participation by the Brotherhood will be allowed and they should support choice for the people, etc., etc., etc. But here's what the Muslim Brotherhood is really about.....

From AtlasShrugs -- Mohamed Ghanem, one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, calls Egypt to stop pumping gas to Israel and prepare the Egyptian army for a war with it’s eastern neighbor.

When Obama fiddled while the students in Iran were murdered by the Sharia government, he gave his tacit approval for theocratic rule to take hold in other middle-east nations. By approving the participation of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, he is also giving tacit approval for forces hostile to Israel to take policy leadership roles in that country. What is Israel supposed to do with Iran to its east and a newly hostile Egypt with an openly stated goal of war with the Zionists to its south?

Let's hope it doesn't come to that but what if it does? Will Obama intercede on Israel's behalf to stop any aggression from the Muslims? I doubt it. 

1 comment:

  1. "Will Obama intercede…."

    Alan Hart [former Middle East Chief Correspondent for Independent Television News, and former BBC Panorama presenter specializing in the Middle East] addresses that question.

    "If, in response to the wishes of the people, a new Arab Order did signal an intention to use its leverage, it would be crunch time for America in the Middle East; and its policy makers would have to answer the who do we need most question.

    How they answered it would determine what side of history in-the-making America was going to be on – the right side or the wrong side.

    The right side would see America using its leverage to oblige Israel to end its occupation. This would open the door to a real peace process (actually the first ever) and create an environment in which there would be no place for Muslim extremism.

    The wrong side would see America continuing with the policy of support for Israel right or wrong and being complicit in its defiance of international law and war crimes. This would open the door to the forces of violent Islamic fundamentalism and set in motion a confrontation that could go all the way to a clash of civilizations.

    I have little doubt that America will pick the door behind which the tiger crouches. God help us. Strike that. America gave God the finger a long time ago.
