Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Jerry Brown.....doing what democrats do

Gov. Jerry Brown attempts to drive another nail in California's coffin....

From LATimes -- Citing the pro-democracy unrest in Egypt and Tunisia, Gov. Jerry Brown called it “unconscionable” that GOP legislators are vowing to block his attempt to ask voters to extend tax hikes to balance the budget.

“When democratic ideals and calls for the right to vote are stirring the imagination of young people in Egypt and Tunisia and other parts of the world, we in California can’t say now is the time to block a vote of the people,” Brown said.

High taxes, absurd environmental restrictions, and extravagantly expensive union labor contracts and benefits packages are hanging around California's neck like a millstone, yet Gov. Moonbeam thinks raising taxes is the way to balance that state's budget. All he'll succeed in doing is driving the few remaining producers and earners out of that state and into neighboring states. Soon, all that'll be left in California is the government, unions, and self-centered actors.


  1. Not to mention the ridiculous cuts in in the UC and CSU budgets. I can barely take the classes that supplement my chosen career.

  2. Yup! Damn Democratics and their entitlements! We gotta cut entitlements. But don't you dare touch mine!

    The problem friends, is that we live in an extremely self centered, me-first world...
