Monday, February 21, 2011

Heh heh....Moammar Gadhafi has epic face-palm as he loses his country

Despotic Lybian dictator Moammar Gadhafi experiences an epic face-palm as he realizes that his tyrannical rule has probably come to an end. Reform-minded protesters have seized the second largest city, Benghazi, and are laying siege to the capital, Tripoli, despite being shot and maybe bombed by the Lybian military. There are reports, though denied, that Venezuelan thug Hugo Chavez had invited him to come hang out there in exile. Where else is he going to go? Two peas in a pod.

If Lybia falls this quickly, it will embolden reformers throughout the middle east to press on against their own state bondage. The only thing more satisfying than Gadhafi spending the rest of his short life in exile half way around the world, would be if the protesters could arrest him and let him rot in a Lybian prison until he mercifully dies.


  1. Gadhafi is testing the theory, along with Iran and maybe Bahrain, that you can shoot enough demonstrators to stop one of these in its tracks. China proved it can work at Tiananmin Square. Egypt either wouldn't or couldn't. Time will tell, of course.

  2. Drudge is reporting that he's already left the country and that his brother is going to stay and fight. I didn't even know he had a brother. Does the brother want to take over as defacto replacement of Moammar?

  3. I thought it was the son.

  4. Why is Chairman Zero so silent on this slaughter in the streets? Mercenaries are gunning down Libyan people and we say next to nothing.

    We should declare a "no-fly" zone at the very least, but we've let our fleet shrink so much we don't even have a carrier in the Med anymore. Maybe we could do it from Aviano with lots of tankers if the Italians go along. Or, we could beg the French to send their carrier.

  5. Obama is too busy lending his moral support to the Wisconsin and Illinois unions to be bothered with international crises. I mean he's going to need those unions to get re-elected in 2012 so he can't appear to be abandoning them now, even if the rest of the world is on fire.

  6. Well, he wasn't too busy to thrown the Defense of Marraige Act under the bus. But that plays to his base also, so your point stands.

  7. Everything The One does from now on will be directly attributable to pandering his base, heading into re-election. International entanglements only get in the way of his transforming America in his own image like he promised. His base expects fundamental transformation and he knows he needs to give it to them or they won't be as energized to slavishly and stupidly vote for him again.
