Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, President Washington


Tomorrow is George Washington's birthday (1732).  Today is the official Washington's Birthday (Observed) despite the ignorance of our culture calling it "Presidents Day", which does not exist.  It was a failed attempt by Congress in the '60's and Richard Nixon's mistake that led to the confusion.

I think some of the confusion comes from the general iconoclastic culture we've been plagued with for several decades.  "Nobody could be as good and self-sacrificing as those old dead guys" we've been told ad nauseum.

Our country would not exist without General George Washington's leadership during the Revolution.  On more than one occasion, the army, such as it was, was saved by actual miracles.  Check out the retreat from Brooklyn and the attack on Trenton in 1776.  Check out Valley Forge, where he is shown praying for deliverance above.

As President, he did not face the crises that faced Lincoln, Roosevelt, or Reagan.  But, he set the standard for serving only two terms, eliminating the possibility of the "President for Life" until FDR.

He is the Greatest American, as far as I'm concerned.