Monday, January 03, 2011

Two MSNBC tools discuss the Constitution

Liberals have always been hostile to the Constitution. It's the only thing standing in the way of the totalitarianism with which they would destroy America. But rarely do liberals display openly their contempt for it like half-witted tool Ezra Klein did.....

More than 100 years Ezra? How about more than 200? Ezra thinks it's hard to understand because he's never read it, nor bothered to try to understand it. To him the Constitution is something to be skirted in pursuit of a radical liberal agenda that empowers the imperial State and disenfranchises the individual.

Check out how Norah O'Donnel smiles derisively as she describes the republicans reading the Constitution aloud in the House. She's about as loathsome a wench as there's ever been in the media.


  1. Come on, Ed. Get with it. You can't expect people who think communication involves clever text messages with all sorts of acronyms and abbreviations to understand that "old timey" language.

  2. These young liberals think they are so sophisticated because they eschew such arcane, to them, concepts as are written in the Constitution.

    I have never, now will I ever use the terms LOL, IMHO, or ROTFLMFAO. I text regularly with people but I always try to use complete and grammatically correct sentences with punctuation. I never intentionally misspell a word or use abbreviations.

  3. ..."no binding power on anything" WTF Ezra. If this is the concensus we have a grave problem in this country.

  4. I think most liberals don't have the slightest reverence for the Constitution and don't have a clue as to why we based our entire system of governance on it. It's just a troublesome barrier to be gotten around as they advance their agenda.
