Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Since when does Pat Robertson speak for God?

I don't know about you but I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for Pat Robertson to give me God's forecast regarding the apocalypse, nuclear war, and the economy *dramatically rolls eyes*.....

From CBSNews -- (AP) VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson says God told him that the U.S. is bankrupt and heading into economic turmoil, but there won't be a global nuclear holocaust.

On Monday's broadcast of CBN News' "The 700 Club," Robertson said he's "not a psychic," but he asks God for direction at the beginning of each year, and sometimes God gives it to him.

Robertson said God told him that America's lenders will demand repayment - not this year, but in 2012 - and the U.S. won't be able to pay, resulting in currency collapse, rampant unemployment and riots.

But he quoted God as saying "I will protect my people," and "I am not going to let men destroy the world with nuclear bombs."

Just how dumb does old Pat think people are that we believe that he receives direct quotes from God himself? I guess as long as morons tune in to his stupid TV show and keep sending him money, he'll keep blathering about the apocalypse and the end of the world and how only he is privy to the mind of God.

Pat Robertson is a snake-oil salesman and if you give him one dollar of your hard-earned money, you are a bigger idiot than he is.

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