Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The nanny-State metastasizes to include yard-sales

The skeevy bureaucrats currently infesting the federal bureaucracy will stop at nothing to restrict, outlaw, and/or tax literally every human function....even yard sales......

From FoxNews -- Americans who slap $1 price tags on their used possessions at garage sales or bazaar events risk being slapped with fines of up to $15 million, thanks to a new government campaign.

The "Resale Round-up," launched by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, enforces new limits on lead in children's products and makes it illegal to sell any items that don't meet those limits or have been recalled for any other reason.

The standards were originally interpreted to apply only to new products, but now the CPSC says they apply to used items as well.

If there's been a single regulation in the last 20 years that wasn't intended solely to limit our freedoms and unfairly tax our activities, I'd like to know what it was. The federal government, like an insidious, aggressive tumor, exists for one reason, and that is to feed on its host and grow larger at the expense of the body it infects.

The federal bureaucrats bear responsibility for the Chinese lead painted toys, poisonous pet food, and formaldehyde tainted tooth-paste because they let it into the country in the first place. The primary, and arguably only, constitutional mandate of the federal government is to keep the American people safe and it fails utterly to do even that, even as it finds new and creative ways to torment us with punitive taxes and regulations.


  1. When will they tax purchases on the Internet? Craig's List?

  2. I think the Net neutrality law is the first step toward that. It allows government regulation of the internet. How far behind could taxation be? You saw the eariler post today about the federal regulators going after yard-sales. I have no doubt the feds think yard-sale proceeds are a great untapped tax resource. I'm sure that's next.
