Monday, January 03, 2011

Schwarzenegger: just another corrupt politician

Of all the corruption and graft in California politics, this might take the cake....

From Hotair -- In his final night before leaving office, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger commuted the prison sentence of the son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez who had pleaded guilty to taking part in the murder of a college student.

Schwarzenegger announced the move in a batch of eleventh-hour press releases e-mailed to reporters. He also announced he was granting several other commutations and pardons and giving plum government appointments to political allies and the spouse of his chief of staff.

This is the kind of cronyism and corruption that makes Americans' contempt for all politicians completely justifiable. And to think when Arnold got elected, doe-eyed republicans were clamoring for a constitutional amendment that would allow this douchebag RINO to run for President.....idiots!


  1. He has to show Obama that he is capable of getting along with the other criminals Obama has appointed in Washington. He wants to be the green energy czar. He was just trying to lay the ground and show he has what it takes.

  2. I haven't paid much attention to the reality of Schwarzenegger for a while until recently he indicated his US-presidential aim. Schwarzenegger's "good guy" appearance in film has fooled many into an impression of righteousness. Sadly facts point quite the opposite and it seems he's no less corrupt (and likely even more) than a big number of other US politicians (Interfering justice in murder case, drug abuse, sexual harassment, racism and Nazi background etc). Perhaps the worst nightmare is this guy is treading Al Gore's footstep, taking an interest in the renewable energy sector now, arguably a large pool. Considering his former connection with Ken Lay and ENRON, it seems sad that his beautiful slogan of saving the globe from climate change means another Al Gore-styled scheme for amassing his personal gain. I only hope it does not create more environment pollutions and cheap-labor factories already aching this world. Maybe it can be stopped this time...
