Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Peace Corps....not so peaceful

This is disturbing....

From FoxNews -- More than 1,000 young American women have been raped or sexually assaulted in the last decade while serving as Peace Corps volunteers in foreign countries, an ABC News 20/20 investigation has found.

In some cases, victims say, the Peace Corps has ignored safety concerns and later tried to blame the women who were raped for bringing on the attacks.

The heads of organizations like this are usually the recipients of political favors for campaign donations and such. They have no real desire to operate or manage these foreign service organizations, nor do they care about the day to day goings-on in remote, third-world countries, and the chronic gang-rape of American women isn't considered polite conversation at DC cocktail parties.

If this number is true, 1000 American girls raped, then no amount of good charity work can outweigh the cost to these women of that. Isn't it about time for these miserably inept countries to mooch off somebody else for a few generations? I mean we're running out of women to supply for them.

I've never really got the whole Peace Corps thing. Do you learn a skill that'll help you get a job back home? I mean, helping people is a noble thing but at the cost of likely rape? I wonder if Obama will use this as an opportunity to push for his program of 2 years of mandatory youth volunteer service he's been talking about?

1000 girls raped! How has this gone unnoticed?


  1. The whole intent of the Peace Corps, when it was created by JFK, was as a means of combating the Soviets. If we showed these 3rd world countries that our republic or democracy in general was better then what those red Russkies had to offer, then the wouldn't turn Commie on us. Ever since the Soviet Union fell and the spread of communism ceased we have had no real national interest in the Peace Corps. What it is now isnt not worth what those women have to go through.

  2. US forces aboard five Toyota Hiace vans transferred the teenage daughter of an Afghan politician, along with several other Afghan women and girls, to a military base in the province of Farah. There they sexually assaulted them…repeatedly.

    The politician's daughter died as a result of severe bleeding that was caused by tears in her genitals from violent sexual penetration.

    Two other victims were admitted to a nearby hospital and are currently receiving treatment for serious injuries they suffered following the multiple rapes.

    In addition to raping foreign nationals, U.S. forces routinely rape their own, more rapes in one year than the Peace Corp commits over ten years.

    I wonder if Ed will join me in condemning the U.S. military as strenuously as he does the Peace Corps.

    I'm not holding my breath.
