Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Et tu, Rep. King, et tu?

Whenever there's a tragedy involving a gun, predictable liberals rush to propose gun-control legislation, as if regulating law-abiding citizens would have stopped the Tucson shooting. What you don't expect is for a republican to have such a stupid knee-jerk response.....

From Hotair -- Rep. Peter King, a Republican from New York, will introduce legislation that will make it a federal crime to carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of federal officeholders and judges

Forget for a minute the unenforcability of such a stupid law. Are the police going to detain and search everybody within 1000 feet of any elected official making an appearance?
-Does that mean when Peter King walks down the street, anybody lawfully carrying a gun will be in violation of the law as he gets within 1000 feet?
-There are thousands of federal officials, how can any citizen know where they are at all times to make sure we don't violate the law?
-And is the 2nd amendment and the right if an individual to safeguard his own body superseded by the desire of federal officials to "feel" safe? I think not.

We all know this is unconstitutional but just for a minute, let's pretend it is a reasonable limitation on the legal carrying of a firearm. Would this have done any good in the Tucson shooting case? No. Furthermore, as an elected official, I would have wanted, as Gabby Giffords wanted, somebody with a firearm of his own, to shoot and kill this nut before he kills everybody.

It's the same argument we always have whenever somebody attempts to further restrict the lawful possession of a every single case of a mass shooting, the survivors and relatives of the dead would give anything for somebody with a gun to have stopped the killing. If you restrict lawful people from carrying guns, only the nut jobs will have the guns. Then we're all defenseless. Peter King should know better.

UPDATE: Speaker Boehner quickly put the kibosh on this stupid idea. More gun regulation isn't the answer.


  1. My take when I heard this was the same as yours. This normally sensible congressman proposes to create a 1000' moving 2nd Amendment free bubble around any of over 1000 folks? What lunacy.

    They already have the silly 1000' "gun-free zone" around any school that does not one thing to make anyone safer.

  2. Joe Zamudio (one of the onlookers who helped subdue the Tucson shooter) was legally carrying and was prepared to shoot Jared Lee Loughner if necessary.

    Rep. King ought to be glad that there are armed people throughout America, like Zamudio, who are able and willing to mount an armed response to violent nut jobs like Loughner.
