Monday, November 01, 2010

Obama-worship is embarrassing to watch

In a nutshell, this is what's wrong with the whole Obama brand. He's viewed by some as a deity or royalty.....

From Yahoo News -- A man gets on his knees next to a car carrying U.S. President Barack Obama as he pulls away from Valois restaurant in Chicago, October 31, 2010.

Politicians should be held in nothing better than contempt by all citizens. They are all smarmy, self-serving degenerates and not one of them deserves anything more than derision and skepticism. They should be tolerated as a necessary evil only as long as they protect and defend the Constitution, keep government small and limited, and stay out of the peoples' personal business. Outside of that, they are useless parasites, sucking at the public teat and should be thrown out of office at the earliest convenience....but never begged or revered by any citizen. This display is just embarrassing. Obama should be embarrassed, but I'll bet he thinks he deserves adoration from this guy.


  1. "Politicians should be held in nothing better than contempt by all citizens."
    I couldn't agree more. But do you really believe it, Ed?
    Aren't you urging your readers to elect Republican POLITICIANS on Wednesday?

  2. By adopting the Constitution, we have consented to be governed by somebody. This means that in every election from local dog catcher to president we must tolerate the lesser of two evils. By advocating voting R in general, by no means do I fully support all republicans but as decision makers they tend to advance an agenda that more closely agrees with mine than the democrats. I wish more libertarians were in national or high-state office. I think in this election, the conservative, Tea-Party candidates are more in the mold of libertarianism than ever and that can't be bad for freedom and liberty.

  3. For my part, I UN-registered to vote this year. I am inclined to believe that politicians of both parties march, NECESSARILY, to a tune piped by unseen figures purposefully veiled from view.

  4. Maybe he's on his knees pleading with Bary to stop his insanity...
