Monday, November 01, 2010

All you need to know about the main stream media

As you've probably heard by now, the CBS news affiliate in Alaska was caught on tape conspiring to sabotage Joe Miller's campaign by finding a child molester or registered sex offender in a crowd of thousands, and tweet that the guy represents the typical Miller supporter. They hoped that the ensuing controversy would propel Lisa Murkowsky into a win on Tuesday. Do you people grasp the seriousness of this? These are news reporters conniving to seriously and intentionally harm the subject of their reporting.

When the media are willing to go to such means to help their favorite politician get elected, cowardly hiding behind the "we're just reporting the news" charade, a republic cannot long stand, for the democratic process depends on an aggressive and fair media to provide it with information and hold politicians equally accountable. When the media choose sides, it throws the whole system out of whack.

Or you can see how Sarah Palin aptly responded on Chris Wallace's show.....

"Corrupt bastards!" I couldn't agree more.

Exit question: By a show of hands, how many think the main-stream media cover this story and will any, ANY CBS personnel in Alaska be fired for this outrage?

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