Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Obama gets the 3AM call Hillary warned us about

Here's Chairman Zero making the call to find out about the Norks' morning attack on South Korea.....Lord help us!

No doubt Obama's demonstrated military weakness contributed to the North's cavalier attitude about bombing South Korea's island with artillery. They know that Obama won't do anything except hold a press conference in which he won't really threaten anything, followed by a UN-style, strongly worded letter.


  1. Sadly, for decades now we have let the NORK's get away with just about everything. We have trained them as surely as pitbull owners train an aggressive dog - rewards for bad behavior. As long ago as 1968 when they pirated the USS Pueblo, LBJ failed to retaliate, and it's been the same ever since. At the very least, we should have sunk that ship where it's now docked as a NK museum of American humiliation the day after the crew was released.

  2. Right you are. I'm wondering if this is another stunt to cajole another round of food and medicinal aid from the US with the promise of future good behavior. We'll fall for it like we always do and in a few years, they'll do something else. That this pathetic excuse for a nation-state continues to get the best of us is a testament to the lameness of our leaders' resolve and willingness to take difficult steps to bury the Nork regime once and for all. But with nukes, that's now easier said than done.
