Tuesday, November 23, 2010

American foreign policy is in tatters

Regular reader David sent in this link to American Thinker in which Michael Filizof asks pretty much the same questions and makes pretty much the same points that I've been making for a couple of years now. Basically, why is the US military continuing to be responsible for the security of dozens of countries around the world when they can afford their own security and the threat of communism from Russia has been gone for 20 years? Furthermore, our current adventure in the middle east needs to come quickly to a close.

Given President Zero's disdain for foreign policy, I mean other than narcissistically needing personal approval from old Europe and Asia, it's no wonder we're headed into dark times both domestically and internationally.

Here's an excerpt...but click the link and head on over and read the whole thing.

An honest appraisal of the situation is downright depressing. In a few years, everything might come unglued. Hopefully that won't happen, but the current trajectory of things doesn't look very good, and our political leadership seems absolutely clueless about how to advance American interests in an increasingly dangerous world.

1 comment:

  1. I know from first-hand experience the US dangles the NATO carrot in front of the Country of Georgia. What a hollow and worthless bauble.

    NATO is a hold-over from the Cold War - remember that - and it should be disbanded and all the "workers" sent packing. A classic example of a governmental "answer" to a problem which lives beyond the problem and its own usefulness.

    Trying to lead Georgia to water with this blunt, ineffective instrument (Thanks H. Lector) is pointless and cruel.
