Friday, November 05, 2010

Mark Penn longs for Obama's Ok-City moment

Disgusting democrat pollster Mark Penn pines for another Oklahoma City terrorist attack so Obama can have his seminal moment to connect to the American people like Clinton did....utterly disgusting!

Obama can't connect with the American people because he's an incompetent, community agitator who the main-stream media plucked from the anonymity of street-corner pamphleteering in Chicago and a minute or two in the Senate, and installed him in the US Presidency by bamboozling the retarded half of the electorate. His policies are socialist at best, he routinely sneers at the simple minds of regular Americans, and he's obviously driven by a slavish devotion to a Marxist ideology rather than a desire to serve the people.

Heaven forbid we have another Oklahoma City bombing but if we do, Obama won't connect with Americans then either. He'll urge restraint, caution us against a rush to judgement, then apologize for whatever it was that made the bomber mad.

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