Friday, November 05, 2010

CEO to union thugs...."You're fired!"

My less than enthusiastic opinion of labor unions is well known to TRR readers. Unions are more or less useless in today's economic climate with all the government oversight and such. That said, it always pleases me when a company that is hamstrung by greedy union thugs and their ridiculous demands for lavish pay and benefits, tells the union where to stick it and leaves the area to set up shop in a right-to-work state.....

The Olin Corp. said Wednesday that it will put its money where its mouth is — in Mississippi.

A day after union workers rejected for a second time a contract that might have saved their jobs, the Metro East company told them it was moving about 1,000 ammunition production jobs from Metro East to Oxford, Miss.

As members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 9 left the East Alton catering hall where the ballots were tallied Tuesday night, more than a few of the employees ventured that Olin was bluffing.

I'm not enjoying the fact that 1,000 Missourians will lose their jobs, but sudden unemployment is the risk you run by trying to force your employer to pay you more than he thinks you're worth and shower you with absurdly generous benefits to which you aren't entitled.

Labor is like any other commodity. It is subject to the laws of supply, demand, and price as defined by the free market. Any meddling or manipulation of those relationships by collective bargaining is wrong. Unions are bad for the American economy and bad for America.


  1. I LOVE these stories. Nothing less than courage and justice rolled into one.

  2. I hate this BLOG; it's useless and hateful. Unions protect workers' rights, fool

  3. So I guess during the 50's unions destroyed america, with its high union rate. Wait, there must of been low taxes on the rich, yet the 50's, a time of prosperity had some of the highest taxes on the rich.

    I'm glad you support the potential destruction of 1000 families due to a loss of a job. I'm sure it feeds your under read ego.

    Your a quack who can only give bumper sticker statements, no rational thought. Provide facts. Let me guess, you believe all the emails you get. Its on the web it must be true...right?
