Monday, November 15, 2010

How to get the best of the TSA

No doubt you've been fondled, molested, or otherwise humiliated by a TSA goon at some point since 9/11, we all have. Now, from TSA Communication, you can have a little fun at their expense while they publicly degrade you and your family, and it's not against the law.....yet. You can get these laser-drawn metal plates that go in your luggage and they show up clear as day to the TSA dude watching the X-ray monitor. My favorite is this one that is the TSA Rick Roll. [Click here if you don't know what Rick Roll is]

And if you want to be less funny and practically ask for a cavity search instead for being confrontational and disrespectful, then put this one in your bag.

If I traveled a lot, I'd definitely get one. I know it would flag me as a trouble maker but it would be worth it.

Thanks to Belchspeak for the link.

1 comment:

  1. Talk about a pig looking at a wrist watch! Either this photograph was posed or she hasn't a clue of what she is supposed to be "detecting". Heck, she might as well be wearing a TSA uniform. Wait, oh, I get it! Wow, deep stuff and on multiple, simultaneous levels. Ingenious.
