Monday, November 15, 2010

El Ponchis, 12 year old assassin......YIKES!

If this story doesn't illustrate why we need to get a hold of our southern border, nothing does....

A BOY suspected of being a hitman for a drug gang has been arrested in Mexico – sparking speculation that he may be the sadistic 12-year-old El Ponchis. Officials said the youngster is thought to have been working as a paid executioner and gunman.

The Sun told last Thursday how El Ponchis – The Cloak – has tortured and murdered dozens of enemies of his cocaine cartel. His trademark involves cutting victims’ throats so violently that their heads are left hanging by a thread. He is said to work with his sisters, who help with body disposal.

Dumb liberals being predictable liberals, I suspect media angst about what could have possibly gone wrong in this precious, young man's life will begin in 3...2...1...

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