Monday, October 18, 2010

R.I.P. Barbara Billinglsey

I used to watch Leave it to Beaver every afternoon after school. I know June Cleaver is every loathing feminist's nightmare compared to the role they feel women should play in modern society, but she epitomized the prototypical mom of the 50's....not coincidentally the last useful American generation. Championed by the feminist movement, every generation since the beginning of the dissolution in the 60's, of the traditional family unit, is self-indulgent, entitled, and determined to have immediate gratification in every endeavor with very little long-sightedness or self-denial. Not saying that everybody born in the sixties or later is like that but generationally, that seems to be the norm rather than the exception.


  1. "Ward, don't you think you were a little rough on the beaver last night?" LOL

    I loved this show as a kid and wish they still made them like this.

    RIP indeed.

  2. Hey Ed. Weren't you born in the 60s?
