Monday, October 18, 2010

George Will schools Meghan McCain

Getting George Will to spar with Meghan McCain on politics is like getting King Kong to spar with Curious George on bananas.

Christiane Amanpour must have George by the short and curlies.....contractually speaking. The fun part starts around 7:35 when Meghan cautions the republican party about losing young voters because "they are the future". George, the grown-up on the panel replies, "That's tautology, but not an astute political point"....OWNED!!!

I know Meghan McCain means well and she probably believes what she's saying but, she's eagerly being exactly what the liberal media want to portray young conservatives as......not very conservative. She prefers the old days where republicans and democrats pretended to spar for the cameras, but later attended the same cocktail parties at which mutually beneficial political deals were crafted. That's the Washington that her father lived in. Old school politicos don't like anybody to upset the apple cart. They had a good thing going until the Tea Party activists started winning elections by talking about archaic ideas like the Constitution and limited government.

No wonder she's upset. Now she's being forced to choose sides. She's got to either be a real conservative or go ahead and become a democrat if being invited to the hip, insider, cocktail parties is that important.


  1. I watched this and not being that familiar with young Ms. McCain immediately thought, "Oh, the media's favorite kind of 'conservative', i.e. not very." Kind of like Ms. Parker of "Parker-Spitzer."

    I noticed another thing. When Matthew Dowd (another not very conservative) had the temerity to mention the millions of $$$ in anonymous contributions Obama used in 2008, the liberal guy next to him had an involuntary reaction of sneering horror.

    Will is usually all alone on this panel and usually beclowns the others.

  2. George Will is easily smarter than any three liberals they can send out there. I doubt seriously if Meghan even knew what "tautology" meant. Her only indication that she had just gotten owned is somebody off-camera laughed.

  3. Ed, et al, I am an occasional etymologist, but I admit I had to look this one up.

    Bill. Temerity? Who's the etymologist now?

  4. I can't help it, David. I just like the English language and read far too much.

  5. I've watched her on many occcasions and think she is actually a closet Libertarian.

  6. I don't know. I think she wants to be liked by the Washington "in" crowd and doesn't realize, or doesn't care, that the leftist media is using her as a useful idiot, as a representative of what "reasonable" young conservatives should be like rather than these Tea Party extremists, as they call us.
