Saturday, October 02, 2010

Liberals are disgusting litter-bugs!

You know how self-righteous liberals love to claim that they are the environment's best friend? Well here's an image taken by Jenny Erikson who went to the liberals' rally today. She documented in pictures the trash left behind by the self-styled environmentalists....

By comparison, here's the national mall after Glenn Beck's 9/12 rally attended by conservatives....

And remember, there were tens of thousands at the liberal rally who are responsible for all this litter while hundreds of thousands came to Beck's 9/12 gathering and not a shred of litter was left behind by the mostly Tea Party crowd.

Degenerate liberals believe every responsibility belongs to somebody else, even picking up after themselves. I swear, they're like petulant 3 year olds.


  1. Oh but Ed, the liberals are purposely creating jobs - cleanup crew jobs and helping the economy. While those conservatives are continuing to squash job creation like they do by refusing to spend trillions to pay for people to cleanup the national liberal mess.
    Oh the shame.

  2. Oh but Ed, the liberals are purposely creating jobs - cleanup crew jobs and helping the economy. While those conservatives are continuing to squash job creation like they do by refusing to spend trillions to pay for people to cleanup the national liberal mess.
    Oh the shame.

  3. Helps when both pictures are that of 'after the rally' shots.
