Sunday, October 03, 2010

Jan Shakowsky is an embarrassment

If you are deluded about how democrats view the US Constitution, look no further than Illinois democrat Jan Shakowsky...

The 10th amendment to which she derisively refers is of course the states' rights part of the Constitution. Specifically, it is the part that limits the concentration of power in the federal government, and the part that Congress regularly and most often violates. She probably has no clue about the meaning of the document and why we as Americans defend it to the death. Moreover, she's obviously resentful that we insist that our representatives abide by their solemn oath to uphold it.

To conservatives, the Constitution is the most perfect government document ever written. It defines us as a nation and adherence to it guarantees that the US remains intact for our children. To liberals, it is just as troublesome piece of paper that has to be skirted every day in order to implement their big-government, socialistic world view of what America should be.

A vote for a democrat in 32 days is a vote to further erode the Constitution. If you can argue otherwise, have at it.

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