Monday, October 11, 2010

Harry Reid sees dead people

In case you missed it. David Brody of CBN interviewed Harry Reid and asked him some softball questions, the answers to which nobody really cares about but here's the funny one.....

Q. Can you think of a greatest living American?

Reid: I’m glad I had the opportunity to know Ted Kennedy. Whether you agreed with him or not, what a life he led with his two brothers being assassinated, his other brother being killed in World War II. And Robert Byrd, who just died. What a, what a — he was in the Congress of the United States for more than 25% of the time that we have been a country. That’s fairly remarkable.

Uh, Harry you retard! Both of those men are taking eternal dirt naps. And naming fellow members of the senate as the greatest Americans shows what a high opinion Harry certainly has of himself and his position. We cannot be rid of this guy fast enough!

1 comment:

  1. Soon "Dingy Harry" will be just as much a sitting senator as the two he named.
