Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Democrats skirt the Constitution whenever they feel like it

Watch democrat Jan Shakowsky (D-Il) squirm when she's asked about the Constitutional provision that allows the government to force a citizen to enter into a financial contract.....

The difference between Medicare/Medicaid and Obamacare is that with M/M participation is voluntary and we are taxed to pay for it, while Obamacare forces private citizens, under penalty of law, to enter into a contract with a private company.

To utterly corrupt democrats, the commerce clause of Article I and the "general welfare" clause in the Preamble give them carte blanche to do literally anything they want without actual, specific Constitutional justification. Obamacare is unconstitutional because no where is it suggested that the federal government can compel private citizens to purchase anything. This is why it is ripe for total repeal as soon as the political environment in DC is more conservative. Let's hope the republicans have legislative power in 2013 when hopefully Obama leaves office and they still have the guts to repeal it despite the bleating and lamentations of degenerate liberals like Jan Shakowsky.

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