Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Quran bonfire is apparently off....for now, and the dozens of media types camped out in the hot Florida sun by day and swatting mosquitoes by night can't take it any more. It's taken a full week for them to figure out that this story is entirely driven by them. When the church spokesman came out to make a statement yesterday, one hilariously fed up reporterette asked.....

“Are you just toying with us to get attention?”

No, seriously. She asked that.....apparently with a straight face too.

If Pastor Jones doesn't burn any Qurans, the media will have to confront the stone-cold fact that they created this story entirely because it fit their reporting template of America=racist Islamophobes while terrorists=poor, put-upon peasants resisting American imperialism. This is why they've been camped outside the compound of a kooky preacher who looks like a circus ring-master and his 50 or so inbred followers. They couldn't resist the possibility of reporting on how racist and hateful Americans are.

Hopefully Jones will not burn any Qurans and we'll all get to enjoy for days the media trying in vane to explain their obsession with this idiotic non-story.

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