Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11.....never forget

With the media lecturing us how hateful and anti-Islamic we are as a nation, it would be easy to be silent and not remember who the bad guys are in order to not be thought of as racist. But where ever you are today, remember what was done to us on 9/11, 2001 and who did it.


  1. I do remember what was done to us on 9-11-01 and who did it. No, it wasn't Osama bin Laden. No, it wasn't Islamic extremists.

  2. Don't tell me Glen, it was a vast, demolition conspiracy by Bush to justify finishing the job in Iraq that his dad couldn't? Put your tin-foil hat back on Glen, the black helicopters are coming to take you away.

  3. I can't wait to hear the answer. Do you have "troofer" readers, Ed?

  4. Bill, I'm guessing glen might be one. There was a 9/11 conspiracy show on TV over the weekend. Glen probably taped it and has watched it repeatedly since, not stopping to bathe or clean the cheeto crumbs from his shirt.

  5. Well, just so you know how to "connect the dots", remember the Ft. Hood shootings were in Texas. Where does "W" live? And they pinned the blame for that on a Moslem too.
