Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new

Establishment republicans took it on the chin last night....

Tea Party favorite Christine O'Donnell beat nine-term Republican Rep. Mike Castle in Delaware's GOP Senate primary.

In addition, long-time republicans lost primaries to tea-party candidates in New York and possibly New Hampshire. Despite the predictions and dire warnings of establishment conservatives Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer(both of whom I admire and respect), conservative voters in these states voiced their outrage at how the old-school GOP has utterly failed repeatedly to advance conservative principles.

This morning, beltway republicans are lamenting in particular, the victory of Christine O'Donnell, because she's not their idea of the perfect GOP candidate, and are threatening to withhold GOP funding of her general election run. This sour-grapes attitude at losing one of their good-old-boys to a tea-party unknown is precisely why garden-variety conservatives are kicking to the curb everybody in office for whom there is a conservative replacement.

I say, excellent!!! Hill republicans have been a conservative embarrassment for 20 years and it's about time to get some new, true conservative blood in Washington.

Footnote: if the national GOP machine does not enthusiastically endorse and support Christine O'Donnell's bid to replace Joe Biden's vacant seat in the Senate, then they'll not get another dime of my money and I suggest you do the same.

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