Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Asking for it

In case you aren't a sports fan, this is Ines Sainz, she covers the NFL and other sports for TV Asteca. Over the weekend she tweeted about how embarrassed she was when she was treated to cat calls and whistles from Jets players in the locker-room after a practice.

These are pictures of her at work, doing her job. Now, I'm not condoning sexual harassment and certainly if she felt threatened or was touched in any way, that qualifies as harassment and should not be tolerated but, COME ON!

You don't dress like a hooker and then expect to not draw some male attention. She's lucky all they did was whistle and make a couple of comments. A woman doesn't put her lady-parts on display and then complain when men react to it. I don't feel sorry for her one bit. I think she saw the attention that Erin Andrews got from being a victim and thought she could make a name for herself that way too. The difference is that Erin Andrews was actually the victim of a crime. Ines is the victim or beneficiary of her own bad fashion judgement, depending on how you look at it.

Here are some other pictures of her at work. It's inappropriate and unprofessional at least.

1 comment:

  1. 15 minutes of fame...that's it. Not a story and shouldn't be a story.

    While I admire her outstanding features I'm pretty sure she knows what she is doing and by the looks of things she has been successful on a shallow level. Like chrome, and other garnishment, it works but for how long?

    I pity the fool who finds himself somehow emotionally or legally connected to her. It will be an ill-advised, short-lived with only one long-term outcome: photographic fodder for People magazine. I can hear the mouth-breathing of all the "readers" now as they race to the Piggly-Wiggly to purchase their copy. Don't forget to purchase your weekly allottment of lottery tickets while you are there.

    Next story. How about a discussion of how this country is going to hell in a hand-basket? By the way, the basket was made with union labor so we pay extra for graft, coersion, and largesse.
