Thursday, September 30, 2010

Michele Bachmann calls a spade a spade

Some beltway conservatives are questioning Michele Bachmann's ad in which she throws George W. Bush under the bus for his awful TARP bill....

In a new ad out Wednesday, Bachmann distances herself from Bush and lumps him in with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Barack Obama.

“That’s why fought and I voted against the Bush Wall Street bailout, the failed Pelosi trillion-dollar stimulus and Obama’s government takeover of healthcare,” she says in the ad.

Good for her! Bush needed to be thrown under the bus for that disastrous, unconstitutional crap-sandwich. $750billion worth of taxpayer dollars got directed to investment bankers for making what they knew at the time were bad decisions but has assurances from members of congress that they were too big and important to the American economy to be allowed to fail. Remember, it was TARP that started the whole tea-party movement and TARP was George Bush's idea. It stunk then and it still stinks today.

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