Thursday, September 30, 2010

Democrats losing the youth vote

Democrats are clinging to the only two reliable voting blocks they have left to help them retain majorities in both houses of congress, minorities and dumb kids.

We know that minorities reflexively vote democrat because the democrats have convinced them that they don't have the skills, determination, or opportunities to succeed in our racist, white-dominated society without help from them. The youth vote can be explained as simply as stupidity. Kids aren't paying attention except to shows like John Stewart's where they are told what to think and how to vote if they want to be cool. Which makes it clear why the democrats are in a blind panic as polls show them losing even dumb kids as potential voters. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that kids are actually beginning to pay attention enough that even they can see what's going on and how bad for them personally and America in general, the democrat agenda really is. It's about time.

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