Friday, July 09, 2010

Somewhere in Time

Posted by Reid:

Yesterday evening, while driving back home from my out of town business trip, I had a "Twilight Zone" moment. I had found a nice soft rock set of songs that helped keep the mellow mood going. Darkness in the car, save for the green dashboard lighting, nice relaxing sounds, no one on the road... THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THIS IDIOT BREAKS INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE SONG TO TELL ME THAT THIS LEBRON JAMES GUY IS GOING TO MIAMI! APPARENTLY THE WORLD WAS TEETERING ON COLLAPSE AND I DID NOT REALIZE IT... back to our soft songs again.
Why did we have a TV show for this yahoo to announce his team change. Couldn't it just have been done as brazenly as the rest of the pro athletes do it, or did we have to create a new level of hype for others to follow (or top eventually). And by the way who cares where this cat plays? We have some real problems that need addressing in this country and the most important is not the multi-million dollars this guy will get to move to Miami and shoot hoops. Oil slick in the gulf.... not getting smaller or slowing down/ financial issues abound.... more people losing jobs.. not turning around quite yet there Mr. Prez!/ war in the Middle East... not slowing or winding down....when will that happen?
Issues, real issues. If you are going to interrupt my CSN tune it better really be a big story of epic proportions not the free agency announcement du jour. As the world continues to spiral out of control, somewhere in time there is a spot where all will get straightened out. I just hope I get to see it. Alas I'm stuck with FM night time DJ's with nothing else to do but troll the Internet and watch ESPN for tidbits to ruin the night. Sad but true. I'm out.........

1 comment:

  1. Reid, I think Lebron diminished his stature as a superstar by going to Miami where there are already two legit superstars playing roundball. Unlike Jordan who single-handedly lifted the Bulls in dynasty status, Lebron will only be remembered as the third player on a team of stars. Sure, maybe they'll win some rings but, it won't be to his credit the way it was Jordan's. For that reason, Jordan will still be the greatest ever no matter how many rings Lebron wins in Miami.
